When your customers feel valued, they’ll become loyal to your business. Loyal customers also help you get new customers by sharing your business to their friends and wider network. They do free word of mouth advertising for you and as a result, your consumer base widens and ultimately your business grows. Therefore, you need to value your customers and make them feel special.
We have implemented mechanisms, systems and communications platforms that help our customers reach their customers so that they:
1. Interact with them
2. Offer more for them
3. Create trust with them
4. Get feedback from them
5. Listen to them
When a business regularly shows its customers it loves them, that business also becomes a lovable brand and this creates some pretty impressive benefits in our experience. Including:
Customer referrals
Customer advocacy
Social sharing and engagement
Testimonials and positive online reviews
Customer retention and loyalty
Higher average transactional value
What’s not to love about your customers.